Written by: Mike “Piecez” Prosserman

Are you looking to make a positive difference in the world? Join us at the next EPIC gathering on August 21st! Come connect, exchange, network and decompress with a group of excellent people impacting communities. Attendees of past gatherings included non-profit leaders, executive directors, funders, recruiters, founders, people looking to join the sector and many more! Our last event had 70 people register!

Details: Tuesday, August 21 - 530p to 830p The Duke of Cornwall (400 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1S5)

To register CLICK HERE Already 34 tickets sold! :)

Why EPIC? EPIC stands for Excellent People Impacting Communities. Not all impact is positive even with the best of intentions, but together we can hold each other accountable. Through EPIC we are building a community of non-profit leaders to change the world. EPIC supports leaders to better take care of themselves so they can take care of their organizations.  (I forgot to take a picture of the last event because it was so awesome but I’m sure you can use your imagination :)

Building the plane while flying it.

When I get an idea, I often try it out in the real world. Half ready but fully trusting in the motivation that drove me. When I worked at Unity Charity we built the organization one small test at a time. Our snowflakes grew into a mountain. We would often test to learn where to invest (Hey! That rhymed! :) I believe there is dignity in taking healthy risks with empathy, conviction and vulnerability. It makes me sad to see some of the best ideas never see the light of day.

What planes are you building? When was the last time you took off one of your big ideas?

An example of a fun fail for me was trying to sell my silly drawings on t-shirts (I learned that no one thought this was fashionable... At least I tried…)

If you’re interested to be my first t-shirt customer CLICK HERE

BONUS!!!! For those of you who read this far, HERE are is a ridiculous amount of non-profit resources I've been compiling over most of my working life. I believe hoarding resources doesn't do anyone good. I believe in sharing knowledge to change the world. As my grandfather always says, "resources are like shit, if you pile it up... it stinks, if you spread it around... it fertilizes".




3 lessons I wish I learned earlier!